Cashback up to Rs. 1000 when making premium payments online
August 17, 2021
Policyholders who make premium payments through eSewa will receive cashback up to Rs. 1,000.
More »Nepal Life Naulo Jeevan Sambriddhi Jeevan Beema Yojana
May 23, 2021
With the slogan “आजको बचत र लगानी भोलिको समृद्ध जिन्दगानी”, another of the various life insurance plans made public by the company is the Nepal Life "Naulo Jeewan Sambrddhi Beema Yojana"
More »Sadabahar Jeewan Beema Yojana
April 27, 2021
'Nepal Life Sadabahar' insurance plan that provides advance payment and lifetime security. The feature of this insurance is to return the investment in a short time and provide lifelong protection.
More »Naulo Dhana Barsa
April 28, 2021
Nepal Life's merchant targeted new money insurance, the sum insured will be available in installments according to the term
More »Online premium receipt collection
May 09, 2021
If a customer has paid their premium online and wants a Nepal Life Receipt for the record keeping, then they can collect the receipt from the website itself.
More »Online Payment Guidelines
May 09, 2021
Customers can pay their premium online through eSewa, Khalti, Fonepay, Prabhu Pay, IME Pay, Connect IPS and NIBL banking services. On how to pay premium customers can follow the manual attached below.
More »How to pay premium through Fonepay
July 01, 2021
Make hassel free payments at the comfort of your fingertips.
More »Baal Shikshya Beema Yojana
April 26, 2021
In the Child Education Term Life Insurance Scheme brought by Nepal Life to ensure the future of their beloved children and proper education and social work at the risk of themselves and their children, the parents are also insured at the same time.
More »Nepal Life Insurance | Let's Be Careful Awareness Song
July 01, 2021
The pandemic has tested the people and the country from the days when we stopped everything to days when we prayed for this time to end and for everything to go back to being normal.